As the owner of a landscape business, you know that spring means a lot of work and higher costs for materials and workers. But, you also know that sometimes the money coming in doesn't match the money going out. So, how can you solve this problem? One easy way is to use payment apps that allow Automated Clearing House (ACH) and credit card payments.

Using ACH Payments in Your Business

ACH is like a digital highway for moving money around. It can help your business a lot during the busy spring season.

  • Save Money on Fees: ACH payments usually cost less than credit card payments. This is great when you're billing big jobs and can help balance your spending in spring.
  • Regular Payments: With ACH, you can set up recurring payments. If you have clients who need regular service, you know money will be coming in, even when you're spending more in spring.

Growing Your Business with Credit Card Payments

Credit card payments can help your business grow. They make things easy for your customers and can lead to bigger jobs.

  • Easy for Customers: Today, most people like to pay with credit cards. By using an app that accepts these payments, you're making things easy for your customers.
  • Bigger Projects: With a credit card, customers can spread out their payments. This could make them more likely to go for a big landscaping project, which means more money for your business.

How Payment Apps Can Boost Your Business

Payment apps do come with fees, but they offer many benefits, like helping manage your money, keeping your customers happy, and helping your business grow.

  • Professional and Trustworthy: Using a good payment app shows your customers that you're a modern business that takes their security seriously.
  • Time and Money Saved: Payment apps can save your administrative team a lot of time. You won't have to deal with recording, depositing, and keeping track of cash and checks because the app will do it for you. This can save you money and leave you more time to focus on landscaping.

In short, payment apps like Include Payments, which accept ACH and credit card payments, aren't just trendy—they're tools that can help you manage your money, keep your customers happy, and grow your landscape business. 

As Nick Jensen, principal of Jensen Gardens, stated, implementing Payments was a no-brainer.  It was easy to implement, and client adoption has been excellent.  We received 18 payments on invoices in 3 days, some on the same day as the invoice was sent, and others that were past due were paid!  So successful, we had to increase our ACH account limit.   

These payment methods are a smart move that can help you take control of your business and navigate the financial challenges of the busy spring season. Remember, these tools help you—the business owner—so you can focus on what you do best: creating beautiful landscapes.

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